Двигатель постоянного тока с переменной скоростью управления Circuit220V двигателя DCMotorVariableSpeedControlCircuit /220V motor control Overview MMT-SiliconControlledSeriesismorereliableandstablebyusingtheuniquetriggeringmode. Ita
ЮКЖД Dc контроллер двигателя / ММТ-220DR10BL PWM Dc motor controller/MMT-220DR10BL SiliconControlledSeriesismorereliableandstablebyusingtheuniquetriggeringmode. ItadoptsSMTtechnologyandfeaturess
Привод постоянного тока для упаковки машины DC Drive For Packing Machine Product performance 1. The mechanical characteristics of hardness, static error rate of 1%. 2. Wide speed-regulating ra
220 30A SCR Привод постоянного тока / постоянного тока драйвера 220V 30A SCR DC Drive/DC DriverSummary MMT-220DR serial DC motor drive adopts SCR chopper, which has unique trigger mode, thus making it more accura
24 ШИМ контроллер кисти двигатель постоянного тока PWM Dc motor controller/ motor parts/brush motor driver Summary TheDC12/24V/36V/48DPXXBLseriesproductistheadoptionappropriationmoldpiece, makecontrol
ШИМ привод постоянного тока серии / щетка DC контроллер двигателя PWM series DC Drive/Brush DC motor FEATURES: DC-4QBrakinG Reversible, PWMseriesDCDrive,hasquicklydynamicresponse, smoothoperating,workswellandperfec
4Q-ШИМ DC контроллер 4Q-PWM DC Controller Model and specification Model Max Output current (A) Max output voltage (V) Operating DC (V) DC 12RT10BL 10 12 8 -18 DC 24RT10B
220 / 10A DC РЕГУЛЯТОР СКОРОСТИ / DC контроллер двигателя 220V/10A DC SPEED CONTROLLER Performance index: Main power(V­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
ШИМ привод постоянного тока серии / Электронный контроль скорости PWM series DC Drive/Electronic speed control FEATURES: DC-4QBrakinG Reversible, PWMseriesDCDrive,hasquicklydynamicresponse, smoothoperating,workswell
SY 48 400A DC Электрический Ассамблея / DC управления двигателем 48V 400A DC Electric Assembly /DC Motor Control system Can be used in mining trailers, cars, golf carts, electric forklifts, beach vehicles, etc. and
Интерфейс RS232 ШИМ DC контроллер скорости двигателя RS232 Interface PWM DC Motor Speed Controller MMT-110/220DP20AL-232(withserialcommunication) Summary JinanKeyaMMTSeriesPWMDCspeed-regulatingsystemare
Система 180VDC серво управления двигателем 180vDC servo motor control system Overview Theservodriveadoptsall-roundprotectiondesignandhasefficienttransmissionfunctions:highcontrolprecision,good
Бесщеточный контроллер двигателя с датчиком Холла Inp Brushless DC Motor Controller with Hall Sensor Inputs Introductionofdrivecharacteristic
Трубчатые аксессуары моторные Tubular motor fittings processin
Пластиковые шестерни Motor gear processin
Свеча зажигания A7TC Spark Plug A7TC Our company is manily dealing with all kinds spark plugs and some other sparks and we are able to produce the required spark plug acc
Губернатор скорости (регулятор скорости, управление скоростью Перейти Speed Governor (Speed Controller ,Speed Control Governor) Regulate the fan speed from 0 to full, Any speed from 0 to full is available by rotating th
Переменная поворотный регулятор скорости Variable Rotary Speed Control Regulate the fan speed from 0 to full, Any speed from 0 to full is available by rotating the botton. Two types
никелевым покрытием цилиндра магнит Product Name: cylinder magnet, pump rotor, motor rotor 1) Most of these rotor magnets are magnetized in a radial direction 2) Different sizes can be
двигатель магнит Product Name: motor magnet, pump magnet, arc magnet These products are widely used in electric motors, apparatus and for other applications. The high
постоянный магнит Product Name: permanent magnet, ferrite segment magnet, ferrite magnet The highest properties : Br:4100 Gs Hcb:300 KA/m Over 100 tools to meet diffe
Сегмент Сегмент Альнико Магнит Product Name: Alnico Magnet, Sintered Alnico Magnet, Cast Alnico Magnet Features: 1) Excellent magnetic power with lowest reversible temperature coef
5 Ось TB6560 ЧПУ шагового двигателя Драйвер Совет Продолжение Specification: Electrical properties (ambient temperature Tj = 25C pm): Input Power 12-36V DC power supply Stepper motor drive current 1.5A - 3A/phas
4 оси ЧПУ шагового двигателя TA8435H драйвера Боа The new design for the T8435: the 4 axis T8435 stepper motor driver . In adaption of the prono position 8435 chip , we install the larger thermal sin
3 Ось Шаг Мотор драйвера плате контроллера степпинг Axis TB6560 Stepper Motor Driver Board Controller stepping motor Driver Board Features: Toshiba TB6560AHQ chip - maximum 3.5A drive current, more pow
DM856 Цифровой Шагая привода Features: Anti-Resonance, provides optimum torque and nulls mid-range instability Motorself-test and parameter auto-setup technology, offers optimum
DM556 Цифровой Шагая привода Features: Anti-Resonance, provides optimum torque and nulls mid-range instabilityMotorself-test and parameter auto-setup technology, offers optimum r
DM422C цифровой шагая привода Features: Anti-Resonance, provides optimum torque and nulls mid-range instabilityMotor auto-identification and parameter auto-configuration technolog
3DM683 Шагая водителя Features Anti-Resonance, provides optimum torque and nulls mid-range instabilityMotor auto-identification and parameter auto-configuration technology
MD2278 активизации драйвера Features
M880A активизации водитель Features: High performance, cost-effectiveSupply voltage up to +80VDCOutput current up to 7.8ASelf-adjustment technologyPure-sinusoidal current contr
M542 V2.0 шаг водитель Features: High performance, cost-effectiveSupply voltage up to +50VDCOutput current up to 4.2ASelf-adjustment technologyPure-sinusoidal current contr
M415B Шагая водителя Features: High performance, low cos
ACS806 Digital AC сервопривод Features: * Low Cost, 32-bit DSP control technology * Input: 18 - 80VDC, * Peak Current: 18A , Continuous Current: 6 A (Max), 50 - 400 W * FOC-SVPWM
ACS606 сервоприводов FeaturesPeak Current: 18A , Continuous Current: 6 A (Max), 10 - 200 WFOC-SVPWM technologiesPC based and handheld configuration toolsElectronic gear r
DCS810 Цифровой Кисть сервоприводов Features: 18-80VDC, 0-20A, 20-400W.Based on DSP control technology and high smooth servo control algorithm.Parameter visible tuning tools, including
DCS810S цифровой кисти сервоприводов The DCS810S is a digital DC servo drive developed with DSP and high efficient MOSFET technologies. In position control, it's easy for the end users t
DCS303 Цифровой Кисть сервоприводов The DCS303 is a digital DC servo driver developed with DSP and high efficient MOSFET technologies. In position control, it's easy for the end users t
DMC5400 Motion Controller Introduction: The DMC5400 is an advanced 4 axes motion controller card with PCI interface. It can generate pulse control signal (up to 6.5MHz) to con
DMC2410 Motion Controller Introduction: The DMC2410 is a 4 axes motion control card with PCI bus. It can generate high frequency pulses to drive stepping motors and servo moto
DMC1000 Motion Controller Introduction: The DMC1000 is a 4 axes motion control card with PCI bus. It can generate high frequency pulses to drive stepping motors and servo moto
Кодер applied to numerical controlled machine, metal processing equipmen
NdFeB магниты для автотуристов Grade Available: N35, N38, N40, N42, N45, N48, N50, N52 working temperature: 80°C 30M, 33M, 35M, 38M, 40M, 42M, 45M, 50M working temperature: 100
Генератор энергии ветра Магнит Grade Available: N35, N38, N40, N42, N45, N48, N50, N52 working temperature: 80°C 30M, 33M, 35M, 38M, 40M, 42M, 45M, 50M working temperature: 100
2-фазный шаговый Гибридный / шаговый двигатель водителя / привод High performance, low cost Supply voltage to +40VDC, current to 3.5A Inaudible 20khz chopping frequency TTL compatible and optically isolated input s
3-фазный Гибридный шаговый / шаговый двигатель водителя / привод Features - PWM Constant wave chopper - Up to 400KHz Pulse response frequency - TTL compatible input signal - 16-level currents, Max current 6.8A/phas
Интеллектуальная плавного пуска HPS2DN15...840 series is a sort of current-controlledintellectual soft starter newly designed on the basis of HPS2S, HP2D/DH and adopting the most ad
контроль скорости, П. карты Features 1.Permit both push/pull input and open collector input 2.Offer frequency devision output:Frequency division factor can be selected by dial s
Алюминий литой под давлением части для бензиновых двигателя Aluminium Die Cast Part for Gasoline MotorWe produce all parts of Aluminium die casting.We manufacture aluminum/zinc die casting moulds ourselves, ow
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