Стекловолокно сшитые комбо коврик E-Glass Stitch Combo Fabric (Biaxial fiberglass fabric)consists of two or more layers of fiberglass rovings which are stitch-bonded.one layer of rovi
Стеклопластик ткани коврик 1)Fiberglass Tissue Mat for roofin
Стекловолокно иглами мат (Одеяло) Fiberglass needled mat comprised of high purity E-Glass fibers. Chopping in 3cm-8cm fiber by guillotine machine. And then puffed, carded and continuo
Сэндвич-панель 3D Сотовый 3D fiberglass woven fabric construction is a newly developed concept. The fabric surfaces are strongly connected to each other by the vertical pile f
Стекловолокно тканые особым поручениям A grade Fiberglass Woven Roving, with Llyods' and DNV'S certification E-Glass Woven Roving is bidirectional fabric made by interweaving direct roving
Стекловолокно ровинг We can manufactor Fiberglass Assembled roving; Direct Roving, Panel Roving, Gypsum roving etc.... 1. E-Glass Direct Roving for Filament Winding are
Высокая кремния стеклоткань 1.High Silica Fiberglass Cloth: Sio2 content: Over 98% Weight: 280 gm/sq mtr Thickness: 0.26mm Width: 920mm Length per roll: 100 meters Thread count:
Стеклосетки The alkali-proof fiberglass mesh & concrete fiberglass mesh uses the machine-woven material of central-alkali and or non-alkali as material and t
ПВХ жестких пленок PVC RIGID FIL
стеклоткань для корпусов лодок WovenRovingisconstructedfromqualityEgradefibreglassrovingsandwoventogetherusuallyina0/90degreeorientationtoformamat.Itwillimparthighglasscontentandim
Эмульсия и порошок связаны CSM FiberglassChoppedStrandMatismadeof50mmchoppedstrands,whicharecutfromcontinuous fiberglassfilament.Thechoppedstrandsarelaidrandomlyanduniformlywithpow
Стекловолокно матовая Theprocessingtechnologypeculiartotheglassfibersurfacingtissuedeterminesitpossessingthecharacteristicsoftheleveledsurface,theevenfiberdistribution,the
Е-стекло ровинг тканые fiberglass Wovenrovingoffersthewidestrangeandthebestcontroloverthickness,weightandstrengthof allformsoffiberglasstextiles.Thisoffersthematerialsengin
стекловолокна эмульсии маты fiberglass Choppedstrandmatisusedprimarilyforhandlay-upprocesses,filamentwindingandpressmoldingofFRPproducts.Typicalproductsincludebathroomaccessorie
Е-стекла маты (эмульсия связующего) emulsionchoppedstrandmatisanonwovenEorCglassfibermatproductmanufacturedby spreadingcontinuosfilamentrovingsof50mminlengthrandomlyanduniformlyincombin
стекловолокно матовая fiberglass surface matisappliedintheFRP,itsgoodairpemeabilitycanmaketheresintobepemeatedquickly,throughouteliminatetheappearancesofthebubblesandthewh
тканые особым поручениям для принятия бассейн, лодки, танки Wovenfiberglassclothsareverycommonformarine&compositeconstructionandrepair. weightclothstendtoprovideasmoothfinishandareexcellentforproducingawat
Е-стекло ровинг пултрузии прямой E-glass direct roving is made directly from a 2000 tips or a 4000 tips bushing Directrovingareprimarilyusedinfilamentwinding.pultrusion(suchaspultrud
стекловолокна собраны особым поручениям Technical Data R2O content 12%±0.4% Coupling agent Silane Compayible resin Polyester Vinylester& Epoxy resins Moisture ≤01% Loss on ign
Стекловолокно продукт (лента) (1)It is very strong,self-adhesive,dimensional stable,corrosion resistant and so on. (2)This tape is used mending drywall cracks,piecing together and
Стекловолокно продукт (лента) (1)It is very strong,self-adhesive,dimensional stable,corrosion resistant and so on. (2)This tape is used mending drywall cracks,piecing together and
Стекловолокно ткань Nonflammable, anticorrosion, high srength, good electrical insluation, thermal insulation, high temperature resistant. it is the basic materials to b
Алюминий фольга с покрытием из стекловолокна ткань 1. By applying uniquely advanced compound processing and using fiberglass as the base cloth and special fire-resistant adhesive agent, our product ha
Высокая кремния стеклоткани Characteristics of the Products: Yao Xing high silica glass fiber is a kind of high temperature resistant inorganic fibers. The highest temperature
стеклоткань Lihua glass fiber tex is manufactured in white and light grey textures. With a temperature resistance of 550 degrees, it is widely used as a protecti
FRP стержни FRP rods: The glass fiber's stick has the life span long, legerity quality, high strong, pliant tough good, beautiful, insulate, bear decay, and synt
FRP решетки FRP grating: less weight and higher strength, antisepsis, antiskid,Resistance against, long usage lifetime etc.We can provide various specifications
FRP Профили FRP Profiles : Its tensile strength than ordinary steel,Has a good anti-corrosion and weather resistance etc.We can design and produce all kinds of P
Стекловолокно профиля (175мм * 30мм Т-форма для Solar RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2000 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar, FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP
Стекловолокно трубы телескопа Fiberglass Telescope Tube We are factory majored in Fiberglass& Carbon Fiber pultruded and pull-winding products
Стекловолокно труб RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2000 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar,FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP p
Распорка для палатки RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2008 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar,FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP p
Стекловолокно Палатка полюс RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2008 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar,FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP p
FRP Профиль / Профиль ВРП / FRP Продукты / Fibergla RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2008 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar, FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP
Стекловолокно RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2008 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar, FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP
Стекловолокно круглый стержень / FRP штанга / ВРП Род / стекловолокном RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2008 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar, FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP
OD3.0m / м стеклоармированного эпоксидной Род RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2008 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar,FRPFiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP po
FRP Труба RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2008 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar,FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP p
2.0m / х 10,0 / м армированный стекловолокном виниловый Pultr RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2008 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar,FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP p
FRP Труба RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2008 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar,FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP p
FRP трубы квадратного сечения FRP Square TubeRoHS,REACH,6PTEST,ISO9001:2008CompliantfiberglassSquareTube *ContinuousGlassFiberRoving+ThermosettingVinylester/Epoxyresin(UL94Complia
Стеклопластик Эпоксидная Пултрузионные труб RoHS , REACH , 6P TEST, ISO 9001:2000 CompliantTent pole ,Tent part ,Tent accessory,Kite bar,FRP(Fiberglass reinforced plastic) ,FRP tent pole ,FRP p
углеродного волокна труба carbon fiber tubeMaterial :carbon fibersize any size you wantcolor :any color you wantperformance:Environmentally safe High corrosion resistancesuper
углеродного волокна труба carbon fiber tubeMaterial :carbon fibersize any size you wantcolor :any color you wantperformance:Environmentally safe High corrosion resistancesuper
углеродного волокна труба carbon fiber tubeMaterial :carbon fibersize any size you wantcolor :any color you wantperformance:Environmentally safe High corrosion resistancesuper
углеродного волокна труба carbon fiber tubeMaterial :carbon fibersize any size you wantcolor :any color you wantperformance:Environmentally safe High corrosion resistancesuper
углеродного волокна труба carbon fiber tubeMaterial :carbon fibersize any size you wantcolor :any color you wantperformance:Environmentally safe High corrosion resistancesuper
углеродного волокна труба carbon fiber tubeMaterial :carbon fibersize any size you wantcolor :any color you wantperformance:Environmentally safe High corrosion resistancesuper
углеродного волокна труба carbon fiber tubeMaterial :carbon fibersize any size you wantcolor :any color you wantperformance:Environmentally safe High corrosion resistancesuper
углеродного волокна труба carbon fiber tubeMaterial :carbon fibersize any size you wantcolor :any color you wantperformance:Environmentally safe High corrosion resistancesuper